Saturday, October 27, 2012

week 18-19

I was away at a conference this past week, the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society's meeting. This is my profession's annual meeting, so it's actually nice to go each year because I get to see lots of people who I have known since grad school, or have had the opportunity to work with professionally. However, as a result, I didn't get my normal time to take pictures and get organized for the blog. So here are pictures a bit late!

It was interesting being pregnant at the conference, because I think initially, people just thought I'd gained some winter weight... FINALLY someone asked me if I was pregnant.

Also, this week I have experienced my tummy bumping into stuff it didn't used to. That's been kind of funny, but at the same time, slightly dangerous. I didn't realize how close to the edge I apparently put my toothbrush.

I didn't mean to be making a kind of crazy face here, but I happen to be. This whole taking pictures of myself thing is more challenging than I thought. 

These pants are maternity pants, but they are those demi-coverage type and as I get bigger, I like them less. I think they are awkward with where they sit. 

Also, you will notice the flashlight- I was testing it because we have Frankenstorm coming our way. I don't know how to deal with this kind of thing, so we're playing it by ear, but we may be making a trip inland... We all know how well DC handles any sort of slightly abnormal weather.

That's it for now! Happy Saturday!

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