Thursday, December 6, 2012

24 weeks

Here we are at 24 weeks! The baby girl is growing, I think... I am hungry all the time. I am almost excited to go to the doctor next time, just to see what my new measurements are! I definitely don't fit into non-preggers clothes any more. I thought I was going to be able to keep wearing t-shirts for the duration. Yeah, that's not going to work.  Unless they become belly shirts, which we all know is class with a capital gross. Maybe Mike's t-shirts.  

I just ate a bowl of ice cream and the baby is now dancing in my tummy. She is truly my daughter. 

My mom and Mike's mom, Karen, have been so great about supplementing my borrowed pregnancy wardrobe with their own really kind gifts. This is a new dress that Karen got me, just for the holidays!

 In other news, we will be moving come mid-December. We are very excited to leave our thin-walled apartment for a larger baby/dog/family friendly townhouse in Alexandria. I will post pictures soon of the new place. It's going to be really hard to leave the city center, and specifically leave the 10 minute walk between our house and our dear friends Chad and Jen's place. Sigh. A very bittersweet move.

Mike said "look normal". This is what I came up with.
This weekend the Blueberry and I will be spending a few days with Mom and Ray and Ray's daughter Suzanne and my brother Pudface McWeinerson Matt in Atlanta. We are celebrating Christmas a little bit early so that will be really nice. Mom and I will get to do some baby stuff, and we'll get to have a Christmas celebration.

Happy Wednesday (ohmygoshitsnottuesday).

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